Z.Q. Chu

Assistant Professor
Precision Biosensing/Imaging; Diamond defects; Biophysics; Nanophotonics; and Materials-Biology Interface.
Dr. Chu received his B.S. and PhD degrees all in Physics from Northwest University (China) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, in July 2008 and July 2012, respectively. After one year as postdoctoral fellow in the same group, Dr. Chu carried out his postdoctoral research (2014/04-2016/09) at The University of Stuttgart (Germany). Dr. Chu moved back to Hong Kong and worked as a Research Assistant Professor in Department of Physics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2016/10-2018/10). Since November 2018, Dr. Chu has been an Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Joint Appointment with School of Biomedical Sciences) at The University of Hong Kong. Dr. Chu received the Chen Ning Yang Scholarship from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012, and also The Finalist of Hong Kong Young Scientist Awards (under physics track) from The Hong Kong Institution of Science in 2013. Dr. Chu’s recent research on purification method of nanodiamonds and its application for oral hygiene (in collaboration with Faculty of Dentistry, HKU) has been covered by local and international media; and filed with 1 PCT patent (pending). Dr. Chu and his team also won a Silver Medal at the Special Edition 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days. Dr. Chu is a co-founder of a start-up company commercializing the quantum demonstration kit for promoting education of quantum technologies.
Research Group (PBB Lab: https://www.zqchu-pbblab.hku.hk/)
Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=BbneipIAAAAJ&hl=en)
- “A Versatile Chipscope for Label-free and Real-time Monitoring of Live Cell Activities”, Yong Hou#, Jixiang Jing#, Yument Luo, Feng Xu, Wenyan Xie, Linjie Ma, Xingyu Xia, Qiang Wei, Yuan Lin*, Kwai Hei Li*and Zhiqin Chu*, Advanced Science, 2022, 2200910.
- “Chip-scale In-situ Salinity Sensing Based on a Monolithic Optoelectronic Chip”, Jixiang Jing, Yong Hou, Yumeng Luo, Liang Chen, Linjie Ma, Yuan Lin, Kwai Hei Li*, and Zhiqin Chu*, ACS Sensors, 2022, 7, 849–855.
- “On-Demand, Direct Printing of Nanodiamonds at the Quantum Level”, Zhaoyi Xu, Lingzhi Wang, Xiao Huan, Heekwon Lee, Jihyuk Yang, Zhiwen Zhou, Mojun Chen, Shiqi Hu, Yu Liu, Shien-Ping Feng, Tongtong Zhang, Feng Xu, Zhiqin Chu*, and Ji Tae Kim*, Advanced Science, 2022, 9, 2103598. Selected as Back Cover.
- “A Data-mining Assisted Design of Structural Colors on Diamond Metasurfaces”, Jixiang Jing, Yau Chuen Yiu, Cong Chen, Kwai Hei Li, Ngai Wong*, Zhiqin Chu*, Advanced Photonics Research, 2022, 3, 2100292. Selected as Inside Front Cover.
- “Soft Overcomes the Hard: Flexible Materials Adapt to Cell Adhesion to Promote Cell Mechanotransduction”, Qian Sun#, Yong Hou#, Zhiqin Chu*, Qiang Wei*, Bioactive Materials, 2022, 10, 397-404.
- “Scalable Fabrication of Clean Nanodiamonds via Salt-Assisted Air Oxidation: Implications for Sensing and Imaging”, Togntong Zhang, Linjie Ma, Lingzhi Wang, Feng Xu, Qiang Wei, Weiping Wang, Yuan Lin, Zhiqin Chu*, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021, 4, 9223-9230.
- “Towards Quantitative Bio-Sensing with Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond”, Tongtong Zhang#, Goutam Pramanik#, Kai Zhang, Michal Gulka, Lingzhi Wang, Jixiang Jing, Feng Xu, Zifu Li, Qiang Wei, Petr Cigler*, Zhiqin Chu*, ACS Sensors, 2021, 6, 2077-2107. Selected as the Cover.
- “Biofilm Inhibition in Oral Pathogens by Nanodiamonds”, Tongtong Zhang#, Shanthini Kalimuthu#, Vidhyashree Rajasekar#, Feng Xu, Yau Chuen Yiu, Tony K.C. Hui, Prasanna Neelakantan*, Zhiqin Chu*, Biomaterials Science, 2021, 9, 5127-5135. Selected as Back Cover.
This work is highlighted in HKU news, and reported by media including Hong Kong Commercial Daily, Hong Kong Economic Times, Ming Pao, Sing Pao Daily, Sing Tao Daily, Skypost, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Oriental Daily News, AM730, Bastille Post, Headline, Medical Inspire, Mirage News, Medical Xpress, and Florida News Times.
- “Beading of Injured Axons Driven by Tension-and Adhesion-regulated Membrane Shape Instability”, Xueying Shao, Maja Højvang Sørensen, Xingyu Xia, Chao Fang, Tsz Hin Hui, Raymond Chuen Chung Chang, Zhiqin Chu* and Yuan Lin*, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2020, 17, 20200331.
- Torsten Rendler+, Jitka Slegerova+, Ondrej Zemek, Jan Kotek, Andrea Zappe, Zhiqin Chu*, Petr Cigler*, Jörg Wrachtrup, “Optical Imaging of Localized Chemical Events using Programmable Diamond Quantum Nanosensors”, Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 14701.
- “Unambiguous Observation of Shape Effects on Cellular Fate of Nanoparticles”, Zhiqin Chu, Silu Zhang, Bokai Zhang, Chunyuan Zhang, Chia-yi Fang, Ivan Rehor, Petr Cigler, Huan-Cheng Chang, Ge Lin, Renbao Liu and Quan Li*, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 4495.