K.W. Chow

- Blood Flow and the Cardiovascular System
- Fluid Mechanics
- Nonlinear Waves and Solitons
- Optical Fibers and Communications
Prof. K.W. Chow completed his undergraduate studies at the California Institute of Technology, USA and obtained his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. He stayed at MIT briefly as a post-doctoral fellow in fluid dynamics. He then pursued his teaching and research career at the University of Arizona, USA. After serving a brief visiting appointment in 1995, he formally joined the University of Hong Kong in 1996. He has worked extensively in the fields of wave propagation, fluid mechanics and nonlinear dynamics. The evolution and properties of nonlinear localized modes (solitons) are of great importance in hydrodynamic and optical waveguides. He is the Deputy Editor of the journal ‘Wave Motion’, and serves on the Advisory Panel of the journal ‘Physica Scripta’. His research interests in medical engineering focus on the applications of continuum mechanics in blood flows and the upper airway.
- W. C. Chung, T. L. Chiu, K. W. Chow: Employing the dynamics of poles in the complex plane to describe properties of rogue waves: case studies using the Boussinesq and complex modified Korteweg–de Vries equations, Nonlinear Dynamics 99, 2961–2970 (2020).
- Q. Pan*, R. H. J. Grimshaw, and K. W. Chow: Modulation instability and rogue waves for shear flows with a free surface, Physical Review Fluids 4, 084803 (2019).
- Kwok Wing Chow, Hiu Ning Chan, and Roger H. J. Grimshaw: Brief communication: Modulation instability of internal waves in a smoothly stratified shallow fluid with a constant buoyancy frequency, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19, 583–589 (2019).
- Tin Lok Chiu, Abraham Yik Sau Tang, Anderson Chun On Tsang, Gilberto Ka Kit Leung & Kwok Wing Chow: A Computational Hemodynamics Analysis on the Correlation Between Energy Loss and Clinical Outcomes for Flow Diverters Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysm, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 39, 27-42 (2019).
- Hong Tao Sun, Kam Yim Sze, Abraham Yik Sau Tang, Anderson Chun On Tsang, Alfred Cheuk Hang Yu & Kwok Wing Chow: Effects of aspect ratio, wall thickness and hypertension in the patient-specific computational modeling of cerebral aneurysms using fluid-structure interaction analysis, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 13:1, 229–244 (2019).
- H. N. Chan*, R. H. J. Grimshaw, and K. W. Chow: Modeling internal rogue waves in a long wave-short wave resonance framework, Physical Review Fluids 3, 124801 (2018).
- T.Y. Liu, H.N. Chan, R.H.J. Grimshaw, K.W. Chow*: Internal rogue waves in stratified flows and the dynamics of wave packets, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 44, 449–464 (2018).
- T.L. Chiu*, Abraham Y.S. Tang, Stephen W.K. Cheng, K.W. Chow: Analysis of flow patterns on branched endografts for aortic arch aneurysms, Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 13, 62–70 (2018).
- H.N. Chan, K.W. Chow: Periodic and localized wave patterns for coupled Ablowitz-Ladik systems with negative cross phase modulation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 65, 185–195 (2018).
- Q. Pan, W. C. Chung, and K. W. Chow: The coupled Hirota system as an example displaying discrete breathers: Rogue waves, modulation instability and varying cross-phase modulations, AIP Advances 8, 095303 (2018).
- T. Y. Liu, T. L. Chiu, P. A. Clarkson, and K. W. Chow: A connection between the maximum displacements of rogue waves and the dynamics of poles in the complex plane, Chaos 27, 091103 (2017).
- H. N. Chan and K. W. Chow*: Rogue Waves for an Alternative System of Coupled Hirota Equations: Structural Robustness and Modulation Instabilities, Studies in Applied Mathematics 139,78–103 (2017).
- J. Ou, A.Y.S. Tang, T.L. Chiu, K.W. Chow, Y.C. Chan, S.W.K. Cheng*: Haemodynamic Variations of Flow to Renal Arteries in Custom-Made and Pivot Branch Fenestrated Endografting, European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery 53, 133–139 (2017).
- A. C.-O. Tsang, A. Y.-S. Tang, W. C. Chung, G. K.-K. Leung, K. W. Chow: Correlating Hemodynamic Changes and Occlusion Time after Flow Diverter Treatment of Bilateral Large Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysms, Clinical Neuroradiology 26, 477–480 (2016).
- Anderson Chun On Tsang, Simon Sui Man Lai, Wai Choi Chung, Abraham Yik Sau Tang, Gilberto Ka Kit Leung, Alexander Kai Kei Poon, Alfred Cheuk Hang Yu, Kwok Wing Chow: Blood flow in intracranial aneurysms treated with Pipeline embolization devices: computational simulation and verification with Doppler ultrasonography on phantom models, Ultrasonography 34, 98-108 (2015).