Announcing Girls4Tech @HKU2014
by Donald Lam;
Girls4Tech is an HKU initiative to give secondary school girls a one day workshop in coding and modern computing literacy. The title event is happening September 13th 2014.
CloudNG: the ease and power of a personal server showcased
by Donald Lam
Wilson Chandra shows off his final year project built to give a simple and gorgeous way for anyone to host a dropbox at home.
A Tour of the HKU M2 Robotics Team Lab
by Vaibhav Bahadur and Donald Lam
M2 is the HKU Student Robotics Team. They represent the university in competitions like the annual Robocon. Their lab is hands down one of the coolest place on campus. If you have never been before, click in for a quick photo tour!
Smartwatches: Not The Next Big Thing Yet
by Donald Lam
A look at the future of smartwatches amidst all the buzz and what they should aspire to do.
Slicify: The Crowdsourced Computing Advantage
by Donald Lam
The Hong Kong startup visited HKU for “The Future of Technology” event Feb 28th and left us impressed. Read this to know more about their future plans and distributed computing.