A New Label “Biomedical Engineering” (BME) for the Research Postgraduate (RPg) (PhD & MPhil) Application
This new interdisciplinary BME RPg program aims to:
- Facilitate cross- and multi-disciplinary research that integrates technologies to meet the clinical needs in medicine and dentistry.
- Provide the cross-faculty mentorship (Engineering, Dentistry, and Medicine) so that students could have in-depth and comprehensive training that aligns with the rapidly expanding biomedical industries.
How to Apply?
The procedures generally follow the guidelines set by Graduate School (here: https://gradsch.hku.hk/prospective_students/application/how_to_apply). Specific to the enrolment to this BME program, the RPg applicant should:
- Identify the primary supervisor from the affiliating Faculty/Department/School (see below)
- Consult the potential primary supervisor to identify the co-supervisor who should be affiliated from a different participating Faculties/Departments/School.
If point (1) and (2) are fulfilled, the applicant could select the new label “BME” in the current RPg Online Application System (https://gradsch.hku.hk/prospective_students/application/how_to_apply/online_application_system).
Research Areas in BME
Relevant Research areas can be referred to the websites of the participating Faculties/Departments/School:
- Faculty of Engineering:
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (https://www.eee.hku.hk/research/)
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (https://www.mech.hku.hk/research)
- Faculty of Dentistry (http://facdent.hku.hk/research/research-strategy.html)
- LKS Faculty of Medicine
- Microbiology (http://www.microbiology.hku.hk)
- Ophthalmology (https://www.ophthalmology.hku.hk)
- School of Biomedical Sciences (https://www.sbms.hku.hk)
- Is there any quota for Interdisciplinary RPg program in BME?
Answer: No.
- Which faculty/department offers this programme?
Answer: The Faculty of Engineering, The Faculty of Dentistry, and LKS Faculty of Medicine are currently the participating Faculties of this Interdisciplinary programme:
- Faculty of Engineering:
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- LKS Faculty of Medicine
- Microbiology
- Ophthalmology
- Biomedical Sciences
- Orthopaedics and Traumatology
- Faculty of Dentistry
- What makes this program special?
Answer: This programme offers multi-disciplinary mentoring to RPg students in BME research. Each RPg student will be supervised by his/her primary supervisor in the participating Faculties/Departments. At least one of his/her co-supervisor has to be affiliated with the other participating Faculties/Departments under this BME programme.
- What is the admission procedure?
Answer: Applicant should choose “Interdisciplinary Area” under “Proposed faculty of study”, and “Biomedical Engineering” under “Proposed department of study” in the RPg Online Application System. Students applying for admission under this BME label will be considered by the proposed primary supervisor of the participating Faculties/Departments, who shall make recommendation for admission to the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (FHDC).
- What are the coursework requirements?
Answer: The coursework requirements set by the primary supervisor’s affiliating Faculty/Department but will be encouraged to enroll in the BME-centric elective course(s) offered by the participating faculties and departments. Details can be referred to: https://gradsch.hku.hk/current_students/coursework/general_coursework_requirements.
Departmental courses can be referred to:
- What are the graduation requirements?
Answer: The graduation requirements (e.g. supervision reporting, thesis examination) of the primary supervisor’s affiliating Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee (DRPC). For the Faculty of Dentistry, students are required to complete all Faculty and Graduate School coursework requirements, deliver two Dental Research Seminars, and submit a thesis.
- I am the current RPg student at HKU, can I transfer to this RPg programme?
Answer: This Interdisciplinary RPg program in BME currently consider applicants from 2023/24 onward. Transfer applications might be considered on the individual basis.
More Details
- For more FAQ on general applications: https://gradsch.hku.hk/prospective_students/application/faq_on_application
- For more information about HKU Graduate School: https://gradsch.hku.hk/
(Updated on 28 Oct 2022)