HKU Develops a New Platform for Accelerating Protein Engineering and Optimising CRISPR Protein for Higher Fidelity in Gene Editing

Engineering clinically useful proteins such as antibodies and enzymes requires optimisation of their amino acid sequences to achieve desired functions for therapeutic and research applications. In recent years, CRISPR-Cas enzymes have become important tools in medical research for gene editing. Worldwide efforts towards engineering CRISPR-Cas enzymes have introduced various amino acid changes to improve their editing accuracy and efficiency, and enhance safety and efficacy in correcting gene mutations in patients.

A research team from the School of Biomedical Sciences, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed), has developed the first platform for assembling and barcoding protein-encoding sequences carrying multiple mutations en masse and has coupled it with next-generation sequencing to track all variants in an unprecedented throughput.

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