Webinar: Roles and Career Opportunities of Applied Research Centre in Hong Kong Healthcare Industry
Nano and Advanced Materials Institute (NAMI) is going to hold a webinar on Mar 24, 2021 (Wed). Please feel free to join.
Abstract: NAMI’s Healthcare sector focuses on using innovative materials and nanotechnology to develop a series of core platform technologies to support four major theme areas – HomeCARE, PersonalCARE, MedicalCARE and FoodCARE. In this webinar, they will introduce how NAMI supports the healthcare industry in those areas and the research & collaboration opportunities available to undergraduates, postgraduates and faculties.
Speaker: Dr. Boris Tong – Technical Manager (Healthcare) & Ms. Carmen Chan – Human Resources Manager
Details are as follows:
Date and Time: Mar 24, 2021 (4:30pm to 5:30pm)
Zoom Meeting Link: https://hkust.zoom.us/j/8868629923
Meeting ID: 886 862 9923